Tennessee Garlic Fests- Registration
Complete this form to register for the Tennessee Garlic Fests in 2024. These educational events are free to attend and open to all. The events will be held from 9 am - 2 pm local time at each location: 
  • July 26th - Fentress County Extension Office - 3553 S. York Hwy, Jamestown, TN 38556
  • August 23rd - Ron Ramsey Regional Agricultural Center - 140 Spurgeon Lane, Blountville, TN 37167
  • September 24th - AgriCenter International campus Hospitality Suite -105 S Germantown Pkwy, Cordova, TN 38018. 
Food trucks will be on site for you to purchase lunch. 
Vendors: If you are interested in being a vendor at an event, you must have garlic or garlic-related items to sell. You must bring your own tent if you would like one as if it is a farmers market. If you select to be a vendor on this registration form, you will be contacted with more details. 
Contact UT Extension Specialist Rachel Painter at rpainter@utk.edu with any questions. 
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First and Last Name *
Email: *
Please select the training date and location you will attend:   *
If you are interested in being a vendor at that location, please share what types of garlic or garlic-related items you would have for sale at your booth. If you do not want to be a vendor, please skip this question.
Do you have any specific questions or comments related to garlic the speakers can answer for you?
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